What will it cost?

A professional voice for your brand probably costs less than you think! Here is our current rate information.


The cost for non-broadcast jobs varies based on the finished minutes of word count of your script. All projects other than TV, Radio and internet ads are ‘non-broadcast.’

Finished Minutes / Cost

0-2 min / $100+

2-5 min / $250+

5-15 min / $500+

15-13 min / $750+

30-45 min / $1250+

45-60 min / $1500 +


The cost for broadcast jobs varies based on category of work, market and run duration. Broadcast jobs include TV, radio and online ads.

TV – Local

13 weeks: $500+

1 year: $1000+

Perpetuity: $1500+

TV – Regional

13 weeks: $1000+

1 year: $1500+

Perpetuity: $2500+

TV – National

13 weeks: $1500+

1 year: $2500+

Perpetuity: $5000+

Radio – Local

13 weeks: $250+

1 Year: $500+

Perpetuity: $750+

Radio – Regional

13 weeks: $500+

1 Year: $750+

Perpetuity: $1000+

Radio – National

13 weeks: $750+

1 Year: $1000+

Perpetuity: $1250+

Online Ad – Worldwide

13 weeks: $300-$999

1 Year: $1000 – $1249

Perpetuity: $1500+